SENANA ASC and Subcommittee Info

Dates and Locations subject to temporary change due to holidays. Exceptions will be posted in the latest ASC Minutes

SubcommitteeMeeting TimeLocation
ASC:1st Sunday of the month @ 2:30 pmEastridge Presbyterian Church

1135 Eastridge Dr. Lincoln (downstairs)
Literature:Every month before the ASC meeting @ 1:30 pm
Activities:3rd Sunday of every month @ 1:00 pm1035 N 33rd (33rd st. entrance) 
Public Relations (PR):2nd Sunday of every month @ 2:00 pm4000 Sheridan Blvd (2 Pillars Church)
Policy:Meets as needed. Please contact:
Nebraska Regional Service Committee

NRSC meeting info and more

NA World Services

NAWS website and information

Our vision is that one day:

  • Every addict in the world has the chance to experience our message in his or her own language and culture and find the opportunity for a new way of life;
  • Every member, inspired by the gift of recovery, experiences spiritual growth and fulfillment through service;
  • NA service bodies worldwide work together in a spirit of unity and cooperation to support the groups in carrying our message of recovery;
  • Narcotics Anonymous has universal recognition and respect as a viable program of recovery.

Honesty, trust, and goodwill are the foundation of our service efforts, all of which rely on the guidance of a loving Higher Power.

- A Vision fo NA Service